Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.—Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)
Long before Thomas Edison, the famous inventor of the light bulb in 1878 changed the world, by making it possible for people to see in new ways, and to become more productive, Jesus Himself brought spiritual light into the world, which helped the world to see the need for a Saviour.
Now more than ever, we have a responsibility to be ‘the light of the world’ because when the world looks at us, they should see Jesus shining through us no matter what the circumstances. Yes, we are also living in challenging times, but if we keep ourselves recharged in the Word, and connected with God, He will gives us the strength, and take care of us, so that we too can shine brightly for Him and bring Him all glory. Our job for God is also to touch the lives of those around us.
Jesus did not say: “you have the light,” He said: “you are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). It is through our actions that Christ shines in the world today. This means sacrificing ourselves, and letting Christ use us to glorify Him instead (Matthew 5:16). We let our lights shine, by helping others, sacrificing our time; even when we may lose sleep, because someone else needs someone to listen to their cares. Many who do not know God, are suffering with depression, anxiety, and feelings of discouragement; perhaps due the loss of jobs, or loved ones. Others may simply need someone to pray with them.
We should be careful how we respond, and watch what we say to those who are hurting or are afraid of the unknown. This is also an opportunity to examine how we are showing our faith during these times, even though we too may be having struggles, the world is looking at us now even more. We cannot hide our light [under a basket], instead, they should hear us talking about our faith. Are we shining in our words, behaviour, and choices? How do we respond to others, even when they are not doing what we think they should be? (I know I have failed a few times in this area).
Christ declared: “I am the light He of the world” (John 8:12) Light not only causes darkness to go away, the same way when you walk into a dark room, it also reflects. Therefore Christians [as the light], must reflect the true light in every circumstance. Light also guides others, by shining the way to Jesus. Let us therefore make every effort to go and light our world!

Very encouraging message that is much needed in these perilous times.