“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have love you”— John 15:12
Well we are in the month we call the ‘love’ month But what is love, and how do we define love? What does love mean to you? There are in fact four kinds of love: 1) Eros (erotic), 2) Storge (family), 3) Philia (brotherly), and 4) Agape (unconditional). The world uses love in many different ways, for example when we are giving a gift to someone we love; or loving our parents, spouses, friends; or when enjoying a certain kind of food. These would describe the first three kinds of love. However, agape love is the kind which comes from God, and is love in the highest regard. Agape love is that love which not only gives, it sacrifices willingly for the good of another person, is unselfish, and does not seek its own interests, but that of the other person, whether they ask for it or not, or even deserve it or not. In other words, it volunteers. This (agape) love shows Christ’s love for us, which is unconditional. But, what does unconditional love mean or even look like? It is selfless (thinks of ‘self’ less than others), is not boastful, is patient, does not repay evil (or keep grudges), is not jealous, is not angry, it encourages. Agape love is not pulling each other down, nor talking negatively (no matter the problem). We need to (agape) love in all circumstances. We are not to love the wrong, instead we should love the other person unconditionally. Why? Because God loves (agape’s) us in all circumstances (Rom. 5:8). His Love does not change, even when when we mess up. “For God so loved (agaped) the world, He gave His only begotten Son...” (Jn. 3:16). He does not like the sin we do, but it does not mean He stops loving us. God’s agape love for us is unchangeable. We must therefore show the same love, because when we do, our love will change our attitudes towards others. It can become very difficult to love others, especially when they have done things to hurt us. We may not always be able to control how we feel about what they have done, but we can control how we react, by choosing to show God’s agape kind of love, and in time, our feelings will follow. It doesn’t mean everything will become perfect; it doesn’t even mean that person will accept your love. But you are the only person who can stop you from loving someone else — because love is a choice you make.
