But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself—Daniel 1:8
We live in a world where we can have a hard time standing up for what is right, so we often tend to compromise. So many times we face situations with friends or family on a daily basis which we know are just not right, and may lead us to say things we should not be saying, or get involve in things we have no business in. We can face the pressure to give in to another’s values, instead of having the courage to stand up for what we know is right.
Sometimes we may resist confronting our friends or family, out of fear of not being accepted, or because we may not want to hurt their feelings. We may worry about losing those friends or family relationships. This results in us lowering our values, and in us doing nothing, or not speaking up. These are the times when we must resist the urge to go along just to get along, or go with the flow. We must have the courage to do the right thing, and stand up for ourselves and the right values. It will not always be easy, and we may have to stand alone no matter the consequences in order to make a difference in the world.
In the book Daniel 1-2 we read the story of four Hebrew young men taken captive by the Babylonians to a foreign country. They were all given foreign names: Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego. Their story is about their courage to do the right thing, by trusting God and refusing to compromise their faith, values, defile themselves or disobey God. Daniel also refuse to bow down to King Nebuchachnezzar and his foreign god. His three friends joined him in not compromising, and by doing so, resulted in his three friends being thrown in to the fiery furnace (Daniel 3).
But Daniel didn’t compromise in matters of faith. Babylon's goals did not become Daniel's goals. Babylon's glories did not become Daniel's glories. Babylon's gods did not become Daniel's gods. Daniel didn’t disobey the Word of God. He didn’t compromise in his faith or follow this world. Daniel dared to take a stand in order to be faithful. We too need to have the same courage to do the right thing, by trusting God and in the midst of the fiery tests of this life.

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